Reflection examples in .net

Reflection allows an application to collect information about itself and also to manipulate on itself. It can be used to find all types in an assembly and/or dynamically invoke methods in an assembly.
System.Reflection: namespace contains the classes and interfaces that provide a managed view of loaded types, methods, and fields, with the ability to dynamically create and invoke types; this process is known as Reflection in .NET framework.
System.Type: class is the main class for the .NET Reflection functionality and is the primary way to access metadata. The System.Type class is an abstract class and represents a type in the Common Type System (CLS).
It represents type declarations: class types, interface types, array types, value types, enumeration types, type parameters, generic type definitions, and open or closed constructed generic types.
using System;
using System.Reflection;

static class ReflectionTest
    public static int Height;
    public static int Width;
    public static int Weight;
    public static string Name;

    public static void Write()
    Type type = typeof(ReflectionTest); // Get type pointer
    FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(); // Obtain all fields
    foreach (var field in fields) // Loop through fields
        string name = field.Name; // Get string name
        object temp = field.GetValue(null); // Get value
        if (temp is int) // See if it is an integer.
        int value = (int)temp;
        Console.Write(" (int) = ");
        else if (temp is string) // See if it is a string.
        string value = temp as string;
        Console.Write(" (string) = ");
