Monitor Folder Activity in c#

/* This project was based on the previous coding of
* Gerald Nelson ( and Jayesh Jain( But since there
* where alot of errors and uncompleted code i decided
* to freshen things up and get it working with more comments
* better and cleaner code.
* Hope u guys like it.
* - Max Persson
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;// Using System.IO to get the hooks from the systemusing System.IO;// Using System.Threading because the event that will
// be raised from the monitor is comming from a different
// thread that will run on your code.
using System.Threading;namespace MonitorFolderActivity{

public partial class frmMain : Form{
// System.IOFileSystemWatcher _watchFolder = new FileSystemWatcher();
public frmMain(){

private void abortAcitivityMonitoring(){
btnStart_Stop.Text =

/// <summary>/// This will start the activity-monitoring of a folder/// </summary>private void startActivityMonitoring(string sPath){

if (sPath.Length < 3){

MessageBox.Show("You have to enter a folder to monitor.",
"Hey..!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);abortAcitivityMonitoring();

// This is the path we want to monitor_watchFolder.Path = sPath;
// Make sure you use the OR on each Filter because we need to monitor// all of those activities_watchFolder.NotifyFilter = System.IO.NotifyFilters.DirectoryName;_watchFolder.NotifyFilter = _watchFolder.NotifyFilter | System.IO.
NotifyFilters.FileName;_watchFolder.NotifyFilter = _watchFolder.NotifyFilter | System.IO.
// Now hook the triggers(events) to our handler (eventRaised)_watchFolder.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(eventRaised);_watchFolder.Created +=
new FileSystemEventHandler(eventRaised);_watchFolder.Deleted +=
new FileSystemEventHandler(eventRaised);
// Occurs when a file or directory is renamed in the specific path_watchFolder.Renamed += new System.IO.RenamedEventHandler(eventRenameRaised);
// And at last.. We connect our EventHandles to the system API (that is all// wrapped up in System.IO)try{
_watchFolder.EnableRaisingEvents =

catch (ArgumentException){

/// <summary>/// This just stops the monitoring process./// </summary>private void stopActivityMonitoring(){
_watchFolder.EnableRaisingEvents =

/// <summary>/// Because the thread that is triggering the event, and will/// finaly end up doing your code is not created on our GUI-thread/// so we need to create a delegate and invoke the method./// </summary>/// <param name="text">string; What text to add to txtAcitivty</param>private delegate void AddLogText(string text);
private void TS_AddLogText(string text){

if (this.InvokeRequired){

AddLogText del = new AddLogText(TS_AddLogText);Invoke(del, text);

txtActivity.Text += text;
/// <summary>/// Triggerd when an event is raised from the folder acitivty monitoring./// All types exists in System.IO/// </summary>/// <param name="sender"></param>/// <param name="e">containing all data send from the event that got executed.</param>private void eventRaised(object sender, System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs e){

switch (e.ChangeType){

case WatcherChangeTypes.Changed:TS_AddLogText(
string.Format("File {0} has been modified\r\n", e.FullPath));
case WatcherChangeTypes.Created:TS_AddLogText(
string.Format("File {0} has been created\r\n", e.FullPath));
case WatcherChangeTypes.Deleted:TS_AddLogText(
string.Format("File {0} has been deleted\r\n", e.FullPath));
default: // Another actionbreak;}

/// <summary>/// When a folder or file is renamed./// </summary>/// <param name="sender"></param>/// <param name="e"></param>public void eventRenameRaised(object sender, System.IO.RenamedEventArgs e){
string.Format("File {0} has been renamed to {1}\r\n", e.OldName, e.Name));}

private void btnStart_Stop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){

if (btnStart_Stop.Text.Equals("Start")){
btnStart_Stop.Text =

btnStart_Stop.Text =
